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Alternative Names: Andy's Reef

Type of Dive: Soft coral garden with a mixture of stepped wall and reef

Suggested Experience: Experienced Sports diver

Travel directions: Leaving Glasgow on the M8 cross the Erskine bridge onto the A82 and take the first exit at the roundabout at Crainlarich staying on the A82.
At Tyndrum bear to the right still on the A82 and over the Rannoch moor. You will continue into Glencoe village with Loch Leven on your
Right. Along this road 1/2 mile on the left you will see a church. Across the road is Manse point dive site. Andy's reef is within the same
Bay further west.

Parking directions: Parking it through the gap in the crash barrier. If you are neat and tidy you can fit 4 cars, possibility of 5 if there's a 4x4 in the party.

Manse point3

Lat & Long: 56.680439, -5.158036  Postcode PH49 4JP  Google map

Tides: Tide tables(use CorranThis is a slack water dive. Currents on this dive can be fierce. Best dived on neap tides but even then the currents can be strong.
Strongly suggest avoiding diving spring tides other than spring slack.

Depth: 40m+

Site entry/exit: Enter the water past the headland for Manse point. When standing on the beach looking west you'll see the 3rd point coming out from the
beach. Manse point being point 1. if air consumption allows you can come back into the bay for Manse point exit. Other than that exit point
is the same as the entry.

Underwater directions: Enter the water and drop down to 6m. Keep reef on your left-hand side. Pretty quickly you'll start to see Deadmen's fingers sparsely
appearing. Start to descend deeper as well as head west and you'll come upon a very impressive soft coral garden. The topography
of the site is spectacular. There are drop-offs, gullies, and Part wall. Continue to explore this area until your dive computer starts
to hit no deco. Come shallower if you wish to explore longer. Make the turn back to the entry site for your exit.

Air & Nitrox: Puffin divers

Site Hazards: Very strong Currents. Slack water dive only. Also potential slip and trip hazards walking across the beach due to rocks and seaweed.

Nearest Public phone: Ballahullish village

Mobile Network service: Three, Vodafone, O2 all work fine at this site.

Accommodation: Plenty of B&B's, hotels, etc in the local area.

Other comments: One of the best sites I have dived as a shore dive for the soft coral garden. Lots of marine life over reef also. It's close to Manse point 

Pub: Isle of Glencoe hotel.



Thanks To: Keith Waugh for his Pictures of the site

Links: None

Created by: Andrew Sinclair


Surface Photos:

Underwater Photos: Keith Waugh

Andys reef1Andys reef2Andys reef3

Underwater video: Utube

Dive sitemap:

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