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louis sheid

Alternative Names:  Thurlestone.

Type of Dive: Shore wreck dive at Thurlestone, The Louis Shied was a Belgian steamer measuring 420ft long with a beam of 55 ft. She was built by Nord Werft of Wesermunder under the name Ultor and renamed Kendal Castle prior to being renamed Louis Sheid for the Belgian National Shipping Line.

Wreck Information: Broken by storm and so heavily salvaged that today only her double bottoms remain recognisable and part of the bow on the south side of Leas Foot bay. The boilers are intact and the prop shaft stands proud of the bottom. Various plates and ribs cover the bottom and today provide a home to lobster and lots of good-sized ballan and cuckoo wrasse.  It's also an excellent night dive, and if dived at a full moon it's a very scenic dive.

Cargo: Wheat and general cargo

Suggested experience: Novice

Travel directions: From Plymouth Google map

Parking directions: At present £2 a day a short distance to the sandy shore Google map

Louis Shied car parklouis sheid8

Lat / Long: N50.74341 W-4.5813 At low tide some metal posts used to show above the surface to mark her position.

Chart: Admiralty Chart 1613

Tides: Tide Tables High tide is best as you will have more water and better visibility. There are no currents to be wary of at any state of the tide. At low springs you can walk out to the wreck.  


Site entry/exit: From the car park the footpath will lead you to the left (South) and down on to the sandy beach. Once on the sand double back and head to the Northerly end of the beach where the headland sticks out, this is where you enter the water. Take a compass bearing due west and you'll hit the wreck. Or once in the water line yourself up with the clifftop hotel and swim out until the rock arch to the east lines up with the first house on the east side of the bay and you should above the wreck.

Underwater directions: It's a small area so just explore.

Air & Nitrox: Auuanauts

Nearest Public phone: Contact me

Mobile Network service: Contact me

Accommodation: Self-catering Hope and anchor Bed and Breakfast 

Other comments: South westerlies will blow the site right out. Two-Thirds Blue Sub-Aqua Club SAA 912 adopted the wreck under the scheme run by the Nautical Archaeology Society.

Pub: Hope and anchor

Cafe: Contact me

Version: 2

Thanks To: P Mason for the surface picture.

Links: Link

Created by:   Dan Bolt

Nitrox / Air fills: None close  Sandford and Down  Aquanauts  Sound diving  

Date: 8/7/00 

Surface Photos: WEBCAM

Underwater photos: By Dan Bolt  Utube  Utube  Utube

Louis Shied ShipwreckLouis Shied Shipwreck Louis Shied ShipwreckLouis Shied Shipwreck

Wreck diagram:

Louis Shied dive location

Dive report: Comment in the box below.